Annual Conference on August 27, 2024

This year the Future of Health Grant conference will delve into the captivating theme of “Longevity”. Explore the intricate factors influencing both lifespan and healthspan – how long we live and how long we live in good health. Discover the latest trends and innovations driving the field of longevity and understand its crucial role in our healthcare system. Engage with thought leaders, experts, and startups as we navigate these questions and more.


Bring your digital health project to the new level thanks to fund and expertise by CSS, EPFL Innovation Park and their networks

Supporting the Digital Health startups in Switzerland

Health is a fundamental human right and digital health has the potential to transform how we deliver care, making it more patient-centered, efficient, and effective. In Switzerland, we are committed to supporting innovators who are developing digital health solutions that will shape the future of healthcare. We provide grants and access to expertise to help them turn their ideas into reality. 


CSS is committed to supporting early-stage startups as they work to bring their innovative ideas to market. Our grant program is designed to provide financial assistance to startups at three different levels of maturity: idea level, MVP level, and market validation level. Startups can cumulate grants as they move through these levels. A steering committee makes the final decision on grant awards.


In addition to the grant money, startups also benefit from human expertise in the form of: coaches, mentors and on-demand experts for specific technical needs. This support is invaluable as startups work to bring their products and services to the marketplace.




The 3-level grant program will benefit all early stage digital health projects, from the individual PhD still in a lab and wannabe-entrepreneur, to seed-stage startup building its solution.



10’000 CHF

Pitch your startup idea in front of a jury composed of CSS and EPFL Innovation Park representatives, Innovation experts, healthcare providers from Switzerland, and get CHF 10’000 without equity or interest to support and kick your venture idea! 10 projects awarded per year.



30’000 CHF

Present your startup, business plan, in front of a jury composed of investors, head of innovation from corporates and healthcare providers and get CHF 30’000 without any equity or interest. This grant is here to help you to develop your product, prototype, creating a proof of concept. 5 startups awarded per year.



50’000 CHF

Last stage before accessing to the CSS Corporate Venture Fund. Get the chance to get backed and supported by the number one basic insurance company in Switzerland with a grant of CHF 50’000. This grant supports the development of a user validation or clinical trials in collaboration with users and healthcare professionals. 2 startups awarded per year.



Born from a joined initiative from EPFL Innovation Park and CSS insurance, this grant aims to provide to the startup the needed small boost to better define your business model, create your proof of concept, and finally validate the startup with healthcare providers.

The grant is divided in 3 phases according to your current state of development, you can join any time for any stages.

Digital health startups includes wearable devices, mobile health, telehealth, health information technology, telemedicine and any startups that enhance the efficiency of healthcare delivery and to make medicine more personalized and precise for a better future.

Grant money: up to 90'000CHF for your startup

Divided in 3 phases, 10K, 30K and 50K, this grant money is here to support your project, develop your prototype, MVP, and validate it with healthcare service providers like hospitals and clinics. We put you in contact with them to implement your service and product directly in the healthcare ecosystem!

Tailored coaching and training

Innovation is not your core competency ? We will coach you on specific health innovation topics as you need it. Our pool of startup coaches are here for you.

Practical professional services

In addition to the grant money and coaching, with the wide range of experts in the pool of EPFL Innovation Park and CSS, we can help you by providing you a C-X-O as a service. Need a CFO to manage the financial aspects of the startup? You need a Chief Product Officer to complete your MVP ? We think we can borrow it to you.

Mentor & strategic partners

Professionals from the healthcare industry give feedback on the reality of the market, the application of the solutions and open their network.


Dates, process, selection, other information

The Future of Health Grant is an equity-free program that provides bridges between startup maturity tiers so that they receive the funding they need according to how they progress.


The program will help digital health startups boost their innovation by providing them with the resources and funding they need to progress. The program is designed to be flexible, so that startups can receive the funding they need as they progress through the different stages of their development. This will allow them to retain control of their companies and continue to innovate and grow without diluting their ownership.

The program is a great opportunity for digital health startups to get the funding they need to boost their innovation and growth.

Level 1 Grant

    • Application Close: 26.07.2024
    • IProgram start date: September 2024
    • ,Duration: 3 months
    • Equity free!
    • NFree to apply and join

    Level 2 Grant

    • Application Close: 26.07.2024
    • IProgram start date: September 2024
    • ,Duration: 6 months
    • Equity free!
    • NFree to apply and join

    Level 3 Grant

    • Application Close: 26.07.2024
    • IProgram start date: September 2024
    • ,Duration: 12 months
    • Equity free!
    • NFree to apply and join


    The CSS Group, headquartered in Lucerne, was founded in 1899. This long-standing company insures 1.68 million people and, with a premium volume of around CHF 6.55 billion, is the country’s leading health insurer. Committed to keeping pace with the times and the expectations of its clients, CSS has now become a digital health pioneer. CSS created the CSS Health Lab in 2015 in collaboration with ETH Zurich and the University of St. Gallen. In 2020, it launched SwissHealth Ventures, a fund that invests in start-ups with a mature product (Series A and B). This approach allows CSS to accompany its clients as a health partner which provides innovative solutions that benefit everyone.


    The EPFL Innovation Park hosts technology driven companies in an inspiring environment. Startups can access cutting-edge research, a large network of dynamic entrepreneurs and established companies. 14 Buildings hosting more than 200 companies, creating 2500 jobs in Western Switzerland. We support these companies through  hosting, acceleration programs, experts programs and collaboration programs.


    The Future of Health program has partnered with some of the most famous names in the health industry and recognized academics from Western Switzerland to have a major impact on digital health. These industry experts have the will to achieve results and contribute their valuable networks to the success of the program. Their involvement will help ensure that the program is able to achieve its goals and deliver its promises. We are confident that with their help, we will be able to make a real difference in the lives of people around the world.


    Behind the grant, meet the jury, organization committee, experts, mentors, and more…


    The “Future of Health Grant” program is supported by senior health industry specialists who serve as coaches, mentors, and technical experts. These individuals have a wealth of experience in innovation management and bringing products to market. They help startups make the right decisions, avoid costly pitfalls, and share their industry knowledge and network. This expertise is invaluable to early-stage companies who are trying to navigate the complex landscape of the health industry. With the support of the “Future of Health Grant” program, these startups have a much greater chance of success.

    Nicolas Loeillot


    Nicolas Loeillot

    Nicolas is a Tech Entrepreneur with a large experience in health, data, A.I. and internationalization. He is co-founder of Tech4Eva, the leading FemTech acceleration program in Europe. He serves as an InnoSuisse expert and joined CSS for New Business Models and Innovation.

    Mathilde Durvy

    EPFL Innovation Park

    Mathilde Durvy

    Mathilde has twenty years of experience in innovation, technology intelligence, and R&D. She currently works as an innovation manager at the EPFL Innovation Park. Previously, Mathilde worked for Cisco, leading different innovation initiatives. The programs under her supervision have supported thousands of intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs and received multiple industry awards. Mathilde holds a PhD in Wireless Communication from EPFL.

    Jan-Niklas Kramer


    Jan-Niklas Kramer

    Jan-Niklas works as an innovation manager at CSS. He drives innovation for CSS in the healthcare market from idea conception to validation and market entry and is an expert in startup corporate collaborations. Before joining CSS in 2020, Jan-Niklas finished his PhD in business innovation at the University of St. Gallen.


    Still not decided if you should apply? We hope you will find an answer below

    Am I eligible for this grant?
    If you have a startup project (incorporated or not) in Switzerland and are active in digital health, yes! If your startup is not based in Switzerland but has a solution applicable to the Swiss healthcare system and a plan to develop its business in Switzerland (e.g., a pilot or a market entry), you are welcome to apply as well.
    For which grant level should I apply?

    It depends on the maturity of your project.

    If you are an early-stage project conducting market research and building your team, go for the Level 1, 10KCHF “ignition” grant.

    If you are developing your first prototype and want to get it into the hands of initial users, go for the Level 2, 30KCHF “PoC” grant.

    If you are ready to validate your existing product with healthcare professionals and secure your first clients, go for the Level 3, 50KCHF “validation” grant.

    Pick the grant Level that seems the most appropriate for your startup, but don’t overthink it. We will redirect your application to the right Level as needed. If unsure, start with the lower level to be eligible for higher levels later and accumulate grants up to 90K CHF.

    More mature startups should consider applying for Le Club.

    Can I be a partner of the program/grant?
    Absolutely! We are open to collaboration with healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and others. Please email us to discuss this further.
    I already have a startup coach, will I still be coached?
    Yes! We have a pool of industry mentors and professional coaches from which you can benefit in addition to the existing coaching program you are part of.
    Can I or should I apply for Level 1 of the grant if I already have a mature startup?

    You should apply directly to the grant level that best suits your startup’s maturity. If necessary, we will redirect your application to the right level.

    How many startups can receive this prize?
    We fund up to 17 startups per year, maybe you will be the next one? Apply now!
    What is digital health?

    Digital health refers to the use of digital technologies to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and personalization of healthcare services. It includes telemedicine, mobile health apps, wearable devices, electronic health records, and health information technology, all aimed at improving patient outcomes, healthcare delivery, and overall health management.